Do CPR Charts Really Help?

CPR ChartA person has collapsed and stopped breathing, you’ve never been trained in CPR and all you have is a CPR flowchart available. Is the CPR chart really going to help you?

Well this is the question that has been answered thanks to the latest research. The study investigated whether a CPR flowchart had any real effect on the quality of bystander CPR delivered to a casualty.

The study found that the use of a CPR flowchart did make a significant difference in the quality of bystander CPR delivered. Bystanders that used a chart had improved confidence in their abilities and provided CPR earlier to their patients, then non-chart users.

The CPR flowchart group also had a increased contact time with their patients and less interruptions to their CPR. Both of these factors have been associated with improved CPR quality and patient outcomes.

The study shows that CPR flowcharts can and do help bystanders deliver CPR and improve the CPR they provide.

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