Man Uses CPR To Save Wallaby

wallaby cpr

Who wouldn’t want to save this little guy?

A man has used CPR techniques used for humans, to save the life of a drowned wallaby. Mick Hussin, from Frankston Victoria, used the skills he learnt in a recent workplace CPR course, to bring a Wallaby back to life.

Mr Hussin went to the wallaby’s rescue after it was chased into a creek by a pack of dogs. Thinking it was dead, Mr Hussin leapt into action. He brought the macropod back to dry land and began delivering mouth to wallaby-mouth resuscitation.

“I used my hand as a funnel and (began) blowing into its mouth, put it on its side and after about 10 minutes it started to move its paw a tiny bit and then vomited and started to come back to life.”

The wallaby a since made a full recovery and is expected to be released, back into the wild, in another week.

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